
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Brett's Amazing Testimony

Hi Lisa, in response to your inquiry, I am 51 years old now and have been surrendered to Christ for the past 21 years but it was not always this way. When I was 9 years old, I was molested by a now deceased sister. Yvonne was 13 at the time and the poor honey was probably molested and acting out what she thought was socially acceptable at the time. 

There was much sexual perversion perversion in our house as we grew up. A big family will always have these problems. I was raped by a homosexual pedophile when I was 13. His actions did more damage and served to confuse my sexuality. I was also thrown into a state of self hatred which in turn created bitterness and hostility towards all that were persuaded by the demons of homosexuality. I began to hate myself and others and vented that hatred on all that crossed me. I began drinking and doing drugs to mask my pain and shame. It was not long before I became addicted to the sexual gratification found in homosexual behavior. I would get drunk to hide my pain and shame and then give in to the temptation, only to hate myself more after sobering up. 

In 1977 my pain was intensified by very traumatic events that rocked my entire family. In June of 77 my paternal grandmother passed on yo be with Jesus. In June also is when my older brother Dennis was arrested and charged with the murder of his fiance'. He eventually was sentenced to 25- Life. He is still incarcerated today...35 years later. In October of 77 is when our world was completely crushed. Yvonne died at the age of 21 and we were devastated by this. She was beaten, thrown in the road by the perps and then run over by their car. 3 other cars actually did the most damage. She was killed by the 4th car. The poor honey was only 21 years old. This however was what led my parents to faith in Christ and that snowballed down hill, picking up 7 of their nine children. Dennis is the only one that has not come to Christ yet. Pray for him. I became such a violent and angry young man. I went in a rampage. From 1979 until 1983, I compiled 26 arrests and 34 charges. All in a vain attempt to go upstate and be with my brother. I met my first wife in 1984 and settled down. I stopped getting in trouble and stayed that way until 1991. In 1990 we had our twin girls and I thought our life was complete. We were walking with Christ and then I started drinking to celebrate the birth of our girls. It was only wine...only wine. I allowed the lies to deceive me. I knew Jesus but I still had much to learn. I was called to a prison counseling ministry but I became consumed by the alchohol. I was soon back in the pit of despair and wallowing in the mire again. 10-20 years in prison stopped me dead in my tracks. I had too much to drink and almost killed 3 people in a bar. It was time to retire. I surrendered my self to Jesus and just trusted Him to have His way. Whatever happened was fine with me. I could not live with myself any longer. 

I spent 16 years in prison but that was a blessing because it was at the feet of our Lord that I truly stayed. He began the molding process and placed me in to hands on ministry. I was an inmate pastor and counseled many men over the years. I have been home for several years now and married to my present wife. We noth work at a local Baptist Church and have a small home improvement business. We do not have much but wr have Christ and each other. I say we are millionaires and rich beyond any standards the world can mete out. We reach out to 4 lifers today and do so practically. We bring them food packages and money on a monthly basis. We visit with them as time and the Lord provides. When my settlement comes in, we wil begin phase 2 of our outreach. An aftercare home for ex-cons...and I already have the floor plan. The Lors gave me a vision for it and showed me the building. Imagine my amazement when I saw the actual building 3 years after the vision. 

God is awesome and completely sovereign in this world. All we need to do is simply trust Him. The rest is up to Him!!! I could go on but time will not permit me. My wife is waiting for me. I love you all! Have a blessed day in Jesus name. 

Brother Brett

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